The Dangers of Small Towns: Bullies


I recently started at my new job (YAY!) as a mobile behavioral therapist for children (the job I really wanted). Last week was devoted to trainings at the corporate office and a minor shopping spree for professional clothing (my last job was all jeans and t-shirts). I finally got my shadowing assignment, and was excited to start…until the name registered in my brain. I am shadowing the older sister of the guy who bullied me all through school.

The sister (I’ll name her Bethany) always seemed so nice, though we’ve never actually talked before this. However, her brother (I’ll call him Turd, I’m so mature) was horrible. Turd called me names, made fun of me every chance he got, and was just mean in general. Being that the town is so small, we have ran into eachother a few times since graduating. I always give others the benefit of the doubt, so I was hopeful that he would have changed…he did not (some of my past bullies have though).

I went into the shadowing with an open mind. Bethany showed me everything I needed to know and was just as nice and helpful as I thought she would be. Then the conversation turned to our personal lives. It’s a weird moment when someone tries to set you up with the guy who used to put pizza sauce in your hair. “He’s so sweet! He’s single too.” I’m sure he is a nice person under his tough exterior, he always had a bunch of friends. I just can’t have a conversation with this guy without wanting to say something that would make my very religious Gramma faint.  I politely declined (I’d rather swallow a live tarantula; this coming from someone who screams and runs from tiny spiders). He’s doing well though. He is the manager for my favorite local baseball team. It’s so weird how connected everyone is.

Moral of the story; be nice to everyone. You never know where they’ll turn up. Especially in a small town.

Why I Love the Bachelor/Bachelorette


It’s that magical time of the year again, love is in the air (along with cameras, microphones, and spotlights). We get the pleasure of watching a (possible) love story unfold before our eyes. Or at the very least sink our teeth into enough drama to hold ourselves over until the next season airs. Here are the reasons I love the Bachelor/Bachlorette!

10. Awkwardness. If I had a dollar for every time someone steps out of the limo and forgets to say their name, I could quit my job and blog full time. There’s also that awkward moment when the housemates spy while the competition is kissing the man/woman of their dreams (so creepy). Yet I’m watching the whole thing unfold on my couch wearing Doritos crumbs…and they’re in evening wear (I guess that gives them a leg up). These moments make me feel a little bit better about all of the weird things I do during the day. At least I didn’t fall on national television.

9. The nut case. I love the nut case. It’s comic relief for all of the tension in the season. I won’t tell you who, but someone this season is batshit crazy. There are a lot of blank stares and “people are like onions; you cut them, and then you peel back the layers.” My personal favorite is “If this is a pomegranate, God bless it!” She will be forever known as pomegranate in my book.

8. Drama! I have always believed that people need drama to survive (not kidding). Some people (such as the contestants) seek out drama, they like to be in the middle of it. I however, like to be as far away from it as possible (which is why I surround myself with stable, level headed, drama-free people). Guys get their drama dose from sports, girls get it from reality tv (it’s starting to make sense now isn’t it).

7. The villain. Every good show needs a villain. This person is usually there for the wrong reasons (fame) or just a horrible human being in general (selfish, needy, spoiled, two-faced, obnoxious, etcetera). We all need a horrible human being to root against. It’s what keeps us tuning in every week. If it were all fairytale romances and runs through fields of sunflowers we’d be bored out of our minds. Admit it, you almost miss the drama the villain causes when he/she finally goes home.

6. The person with multiple personalities. This person feeds into the drama, and I love it (love to hate it is probably more accurate). The other housemates usually openly tell this person they’re full of it. They often say things like “You only act this way when the cameras are on.” Or “You act so different around him/her.” There’s a difference between putting your best foot forward and being a filthy liar. I don’t understand how these people can keep all of their personalities striaght.

5. The drunk mess. I have only been watching this show religiously for a few years, so I can’t speak for older seasons. However, I have really noticed an increase in drunk messes this year. I won’t ruin it for you, but there are at least two girls that are constantly drunk (at least I think it’s two, I’m horrible with names and everyone looks alike). One girl in particular makes a fool out of herself during the rose ceremony (stumbling, laughing, being an obnoxious drunk girl in general). It’s nice watching it unfold without being responsible for holding someone’s hair back or wiping fresh puke off your new shoes.

4. The emotions. So many emotions. Happiness, sadness, anger, it’s all here. Everyone has a story that tugs at your heartstrings (unless they’re a heartless villain). One girl from this season had me bawling my eyes out when she shared her story (she’s so strong!). I get so emotionally invested in these people, I want them all to win (I lied, I want most of them to win).

3. The wardrobe. I will be the first to admit that I’m no fashionista (my weekend go-to is a hoodie and jeans). However, I love to critique the clothes on this show. If I’m lucky enough to watch it with the bestie, we end up talking through most of it like the fashion police (and usually when I’m alone too if I’m being completely honest). Evening wear is my favorite (the dresses are freaking amazing…sometimes), who doesn’t love a good looking man in a suit.

2. Shady nonsense. So much shady stuff going on. There can be mean pranks, fights, backstabbing, and even sabotage. There is always someone feuding with someone else (which gets to be ugly fast when you add alcohol). While all of this is going down, the “virgin” will be dry humping the bachelor. At least she’s using her time wisely.

1. The love story. Obviously the main draw of this show is the love story. The unrealistic, date around the world, edited, love story that we all need to see. It doesn’t end there. We then stalk these people on social media to see if they actually end up with the happily ever after (that they may or may not deserve coughcoughjuanpablocough).

Don’t you guys love this time of year? I’m going to put on my comfy pants, grab a coke, and watch some more of Chris Soules in a tux because I can.

How to Survive Valentine’s Day As A Singeton


I LOVE Valentine’s Day! I’m always single for it, but I love it (yes it’s possible). I’m going to share my secrets for having the best Valentine’s Day if you’re single. It’s really not that bad.


1. Laugh it off. Part of the fun of being single on Valentine’s Day is laughing at those over-the-top couples (think Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner in the Valentine’s Day Movie).


2. Use your kitchen. Get out those recipes you’ve been meaning to try, or look up some new ones. I’m going to attempt to make these heart shaped chocolate covered strawberries this year. If that fails, I have a new box of brownie mix to try (setting the bar low, I’d like to still have a place to live).


3. Shopping spree! If you go at the right time, the mall is empty on Valentine’s Day. I’m slowly learning to love retail therapy. Just don’t blow your entire budget on infinity scarves (I LOVE infinity scarves).


4. Stop focusing on romantic love. Valentine’s Day is mainly thought of as a couple’s holiday, so change that. My mother and I still go out on a mother/daughter date every year around this time. When we were in highschool, my friends and I would have a sleepover that day (all of my friends are in relationships now, so we usually don’t see eachother the day of anymore).


5. Celebrate you! If you’re alone on Valentine’s Day, do the things everyone hates doing with you. My bestie doesn’t like my favorite movie (While You Were Sleeping) so I take advantage of this time to watch it. I also spend time window shopping (she thinks this is pointless).

Have fun this year. You don’t have to worry about making everything perfect. You can just be yourself and relax. I’m working an extra shift this year. Then I’m coming home to treat myself to a spa day with movies, and most likely pizza. Nothing says I love myself like extra garlic and onions.

Is Milk the Culprit?


As you may already know, I was in a bad car accident recently. I had a concussion, my car was totalled, and I was sore for a few weeks. During that time, I did little but sleep (I hardly even ate anything). I had no energy and my personal hygiene suffered (I know it’s gross, but I have a point I swear). I washed my face maybe three times the first week and somehow my skin looked fantastic. That’s a huge difference from my usual twice a day everyday regimen (my thoughts were “Whatever, I’ll deal with the aftermath when I can lift my arms again”). My face felt weird; I’m definitely not endorsing to skip washing it, but it should have been in horrible condition by that point. The stress alone should have caused a breakout, but it didn’t. 

The only thing I could come up with, were my eating habits. I ate a a lot of soups (I had a cold on top of that, wonderful luck) and drank only water and an occasional glass of juice. I had completely cut milk out because I had no appetite or working tastebuds at the time. I have always been a huge milk drinker. I usually have at least 2 glasses per day, depending on what I’m eating (chocolate, pizza, and fruit are my favorites).

I’ve started drinking my normal amount of milk again (and returned to my normal skincare regimen), and my skin looks terrible. It looks exactly like I expected it to look after my accident (and neglect). It’s absolutely infuriating.

I’m no expert, but I’m going to give the no milk thing another try. I’ve never believed all of the food myths you always hear about acne, but maybe there is something there. It certainly makes sense. Cow’s milk is made for growing calves; it’s probably full of things humans don’t need. However, someone decided to bottle it up and dump it on their cereal. Now the world doesn’t know how to function without their bowl of strawberry wheaties in the morning (Yummy!). Do you ever wonder how milk got started? Some farmer somewhere probably saw that come out of a cow and thought “That looks delicious, I think I’ll try that.” Its so weird when you think about it. What do you guys think? Is milk to blame? Do certain foods make you break out?

How to Buy A Car


1. Be unrealistic. Find a sexy red convertible with heated leather seats and a built-in espresso maker that you could never actually afford. Then spend a minimum of 5 hours drooling over it. “Shiny!”

2. Be unrealistic…again. Spend 12 hours convincincing yourself you need this car. “It has four wheel drive!” Really? Are there no other cars in your price range with four wheel drive? “It’s sexy!” How sexy do you really need to be sitting through rush hour traffic? “But I NEED it!” No, now you’re just being pathetic. Stop it.

3. Be in denial. Spend a full day convincing yourself that you can actually afford this car. “If I take the loan out for one hundred years, never eat again, and move into my parent’s basement I can afford this.” Are you even listening to yourself? No! Absolutely not.

4. Realize you are in denial. “Goodbye hopes and dreams. Goodbye sexy convertible. Goodbye leather seats.” Going for the academy award are we?

5. Be pathetic. “Here’s a $600 car. It only has 500,000 miles on it.” Get ahold of yourself. We’re not that cheap. “I guess I could bike to work.” Are you kidding me?! It’s a 45 minute drive! “Walking is better for the environment.” No! God invented cars for a reason and I intend on using one for the rest of my life.

6. Look at cars in your price range. “…I guess this isn’t too bad. At least they have it in blue.” Oh, now we’re finally being sensible.

7. Have unrealistic expectations. “It has to be perfect.” You can’t afford perfect. You can afford practical.

8. Realize you CAN afford a brand new car. “…What? These numbers can’t be right.” Let’s borrow a calculator from the hot neighbor who never wears a shirt, just to be sure. Nevermind, he probably doesn’t own a calculator. Why do we find that attractive?

9. Obsess over the options. “Black says I’m cool and aloof; red says I’m sexy and confident; lime green says I’m quirky and fun.” Why are you even doing this? You always pick blue.

10. Test drive the car. “Does this mean I need to drive like an old lady while the sales guy is in the car?” Eyes front. Focus on the road. You break it you buy it.

11. Fumble through the negotion. “I’ll pay double the sticker price!…wait, that’s wrong.” SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!

12. Sign the paperwork. “Wow, that’s a lot of paperwork.” Before you get through the first stack, I’m going to have buyer’s remorse.

13. Ride off into the sunset. “I’m all about that bass, about that bass, no treble!” Let’s drive laps around town in slow motion until everyone sees this hot new car.

Hey y’all! I’m back! I really appreciate your support while I was going through this. It was really scary but I learned a lot (everything is a learning experience). My first car (Booie) is totaled, but I got a cute new car out of it. This is pretty much what happened in my head along the way to purchasing my new car. My head is a frightening place, it makes for great posts though!

Car Accident

Sorry guys, I was in a car accident over the weekend (car is totaled most likely). I have a concussion and I won’t be posting for awhile.  I need to take care of myself, but I’ll be back soon. Who knows, I might get a few interesting posts out of it (buying a car, dealing with insurance, how not to drive the ER doctor insane).

Product Review: Diamond Candles


I finally purchased a product I’ve been wanting to review for a long time…Diamond Candles! For those of you who aren’t aware, Diamond Candles are candles with rings inside them. The rings are supposed to be priced between $10 and $5000 (good luck getting anything over double digits). Think of them as cereal boxes with prizes inside, but for adults.

Scent I was hoping for the Orange Blossom scent, but they were sold out. I instead settled for Berry Cooler. The scent is okay, it reminds me of the bubble tape gum I used to chew as a kid. Not the fruity, creamy, smoothie-like scent I expected. The scent is definitely subtle. I personally prefer something a bit stronger, but someone who prefers something light would adore this. I used this candle in my tiny livingroom and I could only smell it when I was sitting next to the candle. Most of the reviews I have read online also say the scent is very subtle, so I’m guessing this is common with most scents.

Price This is my least favorite part about these candles. As a dedicated penny pincher, I rarely splurge on something like this. All candles are $24.95. Shipping is $7.95. By the time it’s all said and done, you’ve spent thirty bucks on a candle (unless you can find a coupon, I managed to find a five dollar coupon). The logical part of my brain is screaming “No! You’re spending $30 on a (most likely) $10 ring you might not even like!” Meanwhile, the easily impressed part of my brain is thinking “Oooh shiny!” and typing in my credit card information. Bring it down to $20 and I’d consider buying it again just for the mystery.

Holidays Diamond Candles have a bunch of holiday and seasonal candles to choose from. They have the expected Gingerbread, Snowfall, and Peppermint. They also have It’s a Boy, It’s a Girl, Anniversary, Friendship, and Happy Birthday ring candles. What does Friendship smell like? Pizza and movies? New shoes and shopping bags? Convenience stores and road trips? I almost want to buy it to find out.

Extraction I’d like to preface this by saying that I had every intention of being patient. I was going to wait until the golden foil packet was completely uncovered to grab my surprise. Then I searched YouTube and found the easiest way to dig the ring out and I ran with it. I burned the candle for about 4 hours until the entire top was melted and the pouch was showing (during that time, I heard a horrifying hissing/squeegee sound). I then used a butter knife to wedge between the pouch and the side of the jar until it was loose. I wiped off what I could of the wax, and there was my ring. It was pretty simple to do. I had every intention of taking a picture of the ring wrapped in foil, but I couldn’t control myself. As soon as that pouch came out of the wax, it was opened (I had to see my precious).


        (The gold circle is where the ring is)


                   (The pouch is showing!)


        (Please excuse my dry winter hands)


               (…and my lack of nail polish)

Ring I honestly wasn’t expecting much from the ring. I had already accepted the fact that the ring would likely be a piece of pretty, but cheap costume jewelry. It is very pretty, but it’s not exactly my taste. I’m more of a simple girl. If the the top and bottom white stones were cut off, I would probably be happier. The ring is kind of bulky in my opinion, I prefer more dainty rings. The color is nice though, I was hoping for purple. This ring won’t replace any of my everyday jewelry, but I could see myself wearing it occasionally.

Overall, I would recommend this to the right person. The person who would get the most out of this would be someone who is going to appreciate the novelty of it, as well as have a use for costume jewelry. I probably won’t buy another one of these for myself, but I might consider getting one for a friend or relative. I’d rather save up for a ring I’ll definitely love and a candle that doesn’t hiss at me.

Thank You Cards: Yay or Nay?


I recently started interviewing for a new job and I haven’t had a lot of experience with job hunting. My first job was at a pizza shop (Can you wash a dish? Hired!) and my current job is a caretaker (Can you wipe feces? Hired!). Neither job had an extensive hiring process. A simple interview followed immediately by a job offer was all there was to it. Now things aren’t that simple.

I interviewed last week (phone interview) for a call center job. I was mildly interested; it doesn’t exactly sound like fun, but a friend works in the same building. I ended up not getting the job, but I was okay with that. My gramma said I didn’t get the job because I didn’t write a thank you note after the interview.

I had an interview yesterday morning for a mobile child therapist position (a job I really want). The interview seemed to go very well, and the interviewer promised to be in touch within a week or so. Remembering my grandmother’s advice, I sent a note that day.

I personally don’t really think thank you cards can do that much. I could see possibly swaying a decision if two candidates were neck and neck, but that’s about it. I always thought they sounded a little cheesy, almost desperate. What do you guys think? Yay or nay?

I Bought A Treadmill


I may have finally gone off the deep end. I recieved a late Christmas present at work, a ten dollar Amazon giftcard. I had no idea what to get, I’ve never used Amazon before (weird right?). I started looking up rings, but thought better if it. I knew I’d wear it once, then toss it in a drawer in favor of my everday rings (my class ring and my great grandmother’s engagement ring).

I then toyed with the idea of buying more fitness equipment. I have a zumba kit I use religiously, but I haven’t experienced a lot of weight loss from it (I refuse to give it up though, it’s the only time I can pretend I can dance). I don’t believe in New Year’s Resolutions, (you can decide to make a change any day, don’t wait for a holiday) but I’ll take a holiday discount anytime. I came across a decently priced treadmill with rave reviews and decided to dive right in.

It’s just starting to hit me. It’s coming in a week or less. I’ll have a giant treadmill taking up my living room, permanently. I will have to make rules for myself. Don’t watch tv unless I’m using it. Don’t let the cat scratch it. Don’t turn it into a clothes rack. I’m going to own a treadmill, this is really happening. This is insane!

Product Review: Bubba Mugs!


I’ve talked about Bubba mugs a few times on here, so I thought I’d explain why I love them so much. I currently own three. A pink 52 ounce Bubba keg mug (for work), a blue 52 ounce Bubba keg mug (for home), and a pink 20 ounce mug (for the car). While I was working at my first job in the pizza shop, one of my regular customers would come in with a big Bubba keg mug filled with water every time. I asked her about it, and she only had good things to say (she owned it for several years). I came across one at Target (my car mug) and bought it without a second thought. I liked it so much, I bought a blue keg for the house. I later rounded out my collection with a pink keg for work (because I love pink).

Durability This mug is indestructible. I’m an absolute klutz and I somehow have not managed to even chip this thing in the six years I’ve owned it. The 52 ounce keg is very sturdy. It has a wide base that makes it next to impossible to knock over. The 20 ounce mug is easier to topple, but it’s still a tough little guy. Even if you manage to break it, every mug has a lifetime warranty. I can’t speak for their customer service or their policy when it comes to repairs though, as I have never used either.

Spills This is where it gets a little unpredictable. My 20 ounce and my blue keg are both completely spill proof. My pink keg for some unknown reason is not. The 20 ounce has a pop lid with a rotating disc mouth cover. The kegs are both screw tops with flip mouth covers. The leak on my pink keg is only a slow trickle, so it’s usually not a problem (the base makes it hard to knock over anyway). The only thing I can come up with is maybe my pink keg was damaged while being shipped (it’s the only one I bought online). However, I will still continue to bring my favorite mug to work everyday.

Insulation These things keep liquids cold for hours! The website claims it will keep cold liquids cold for 12 hours. I have never officially timed it; but I can tell you I have left my pink keg in the car over the summer, and returned hours later to ice cold water with big hunks of ice still floating around. I cannot give any information on hot liquids as I only use my mugs for water (except for that one pathetic shift when I had the flu).

Transportable My only complaint with my keg is it’s not car friendly. The 20 ounce fits in any cup holder no problem. The keg obviously is not that simple. At the same time though, it’s the wide base on my blue keg that allows me to sleep next to it without causing a flash flood. I enable my mug’s high maintenance tendencies though. I surround it by my hoodie and purse so it can’t move when it’s full. Completely worth it for a day full of ice cold water.

Shock factor Walk into a room with a keg mug and you’ll make a few friends. Everyone wants to touch it and ask about it. They’re surprised by how light it is (it is 52 ounces of water, but the mug itself is pretty light). My favorite reaction is “Do you really need that much coffee?” Ugh coffee.

Cleanliness These mugs are a breeze to clean. The 20 ounce mug comes completely apart, even the disc pops out. The kegs only have two pieces as the flip top does not come off. I only hand wash them as I don’t own a dishwasher. I believe (double check before you listen to me) they are top rack safe though. I personally would not use a dishwasher though just in case they warp; which could make them no longer spill proof. The hard plastic and the stainless steel wipe clean easily.

Variety I bought my first two mugs at Target. They had limited styles and colors, but I was able to find what I wanted. When I saw that the Bubba website had a pink keg, I knew needed it. If you go through the website, you’ll have your pick of whatever you want. They’ve got the whole rainbow covered, so what’s your favorite color? They have an adoreable yellow keg I’ve been wanting, but I just can’t justify purchasing a new one when I already have three that work perfectly. They also sell bottle styles and flexible rubbery straws. I personally am not a straw person, so when I recieved a free one with my pink keg, I tossed it.

Price These mugs are cheaper than you think. When I bought my first keg mug, my father said “You could have saved that twenty dollars for something else.” You should have seen his face when I said it was ten bucks. I think I spent about six bucks on the 20 ounce mug. You definitely want to shop around before you buy. Stores like Target are going to be priced the best. Any sporting goods store will be higher (though still reasonable). If you have a special color you want (neon green, turquoise, orange, etcetera) your best bet will be through the website. Just keep in mind that the shipping will be about five bucks. Get a few friends to buy with you though, and you can skip the shipping fee altogether (the requirement is fifty dollars at the time of this post).

I would absolutely recommend these mugs to everyone. They are so well made, attractive, and practical. You may end up with a little collection of your own once you try them out. This was an honest review. I was not compensated in any way for writing this review. I purchased all products described in this review myself.